Items 49-60 of 499
John 3:16 Scripture Ring scripture ring, god so loved the world, he gave his only begotten, john 3 scripture ring, john scripture, john 3:16, he gave, he gave his son
Retail: $29.99
Price: $26.99
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LDP-RNGB15J316 -

    This specially designed ring features the scripture John 3:16 which says, "God so loved the world He gave His Son." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

    Jeremiah 29:11 Scripture Ring scripture ring, jer. 29:11, jeremiah 29:11, i know the plans, plans, i have for you, future, i know the plans i have for your future, your future, i know the plans i have for you
    Retail: $29.99
    Price: $26.99
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: LDP-RNGB15J2911 -

      This specially designed ring features the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 which says, "I know the plans I have for your future." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

      Romans 8:28 Scripture Ring scripture ring, romans 8:28, romans, romans 8, romans eight, god works all things together for good, together for good, god works all things, god works, for good
      Retail: $29.99
      Price: $26.99
      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: LDP-RNGB15R828 -

        This specially designed ring features the scripture Romans 8:28, which says, "God works all things together for good." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

        Philippians 4:13 Scripture Ring scripture ring, phil. 4:13 phil. 4 philippians 4, phillippians 4, scripture verse, verse, through christ, strength, i can do all things, i can do all things through christ
        Retail: $29.99
        Price: $26.99
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: LDP-RNGB15P413 -

          This specially designed ring features the scripture Philippians 4:13, which says, "I can do all things through Christ." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

          Proverbs 3:5 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse, verse ring, prov. 3:5, proverbs, prov., prov. 3, trust in the lord with all thine heart, trust, trust in the lord, all thine heart
          Retail: $29.99
          Price: $26.99
          review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: LDP-RNGB15P35 -

            This specially designed ring features the scripture Proverbs 3:5, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

            Psalms 46:1 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse, verse ring, psalms 46, psalms 46:1, ps., God is our refuge and strength in trouble, god is our refuge & strength in trouble, god is our refuge, strength, trouble
            Retail: $29.99
            Price: $26.99
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: LDP-RNGB15P461 -

              This specially designed ring features the scripture Psalms 46:1, which says, "God is our refuge & strength in trouble." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

              1 Corinthians 13:4 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse, verse ring, 1 cor. 13:4, 1 cor. 13: 4, love is patient and kind. it is not proud, love is patient & kind, love is not proud, proud, pride, patience, kind, kindness, love
              Retail: $29.99
              Price: $26.99
              review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: LDP-RNGB151C134 -

                This specially designed ring features the scripture 1 Corinthians 13:4, which says, "Love is patient & kind. It is not proud." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

                Isaiah 41:10 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse, verse ring, fear not, i am with you. i am your god, fear not, god, with you, god is with you
                Retail: $29.99
                Price: $26.99
                review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: LDP-RNGB15I4110 -

                  This specially designed ring features the scripture Isaiah 41:10, which says, "Fear not, I am with you. I am your God." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

                  Hebrews 11:1 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse, verse ring, heb. 11, heb. 11:1, 11: 1, hebrews 11:1, hebrews 11: 1, faith is confidence in what we hope for, confidence, confident, faith, hope
                  Retail: $29.99
                  Price: $26.99
                  review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: LDP-RNGB15H111 -

                    This specially designed ring features the scripture Hebrews 11:1, which says, "Faith is confidence in what we hope for." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

                    2 Timothy 1:7 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse ring, verse ring, scripture verse, 2 tim. 1:7, 2 tim. 1: 7, 2 timothy 1:7, 2 timothy 1: 7, god gives us power, love, & sound mind, god gives us power, love, and sound mind, power, love, sound mind, god
                    Retail: $29.99
                    Price: $26.99
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: LDP-RNGB152T17 -

                      This specially designed ring features the scripture 2 Timothy 1:7, which says, "God gives us power, love, & sound mind." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

                      Joshua 1:9 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse, verse ring, joshua 1:9, josh 1:9, joshua 1: 9, josh 1: 9, be strong & courageous. God is with you, courage, strength, strong, god is with you
                      Retail: $29.99
                      Price: $26.99
                      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: LDP-RNGB15J19 -

                        This specially designed ring features the scripture Joshua 1:9, which says, "Be strong & courageous. God is with you." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.

                        Philippians 4:6 Scripture Ring scripture ring, scripture verse ring, verse ring, scripture verse, philippians 4:6, philippians 4: 6, phil. 4:6, phil. 4: 6, be anxious for nothing, pray unto god, be anxious for nothing, pray, god, pray unto god
                        Retail: $29.99
                        Price: $26.99
                        review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: LDP-RNGB15P46 -

                          This specially designed ring features the scripture Philippians 4:6, which says, "Be anxious for nothing, pray unto God." The scripture wraps around the outside of the ring, with a cross in the center.The inside of the ring has the reference engraved. Add a personalized inside engraving for only $9.99!This ring is made out of stainless steel, and has a wide comfort fit and matte finish.