Purity Pledge & Purity Vows

A purity pledge/vow is a promise and vow made by an individual to God, and to a future spouse. The individual promises to stay pure until after marriage.

There are several different kinds and types of purity pledges/vows. Some vows/pledges are very detailed and long; often including witnesses and additional promises made by daughters to their fathers and fathers to their daughters. While other vows/pledges are very short and simple; the vow/pledge is made by simply signing a paper.

It really just depends on an individual’s preference and dedication to the vow/pledge. The intensity of the purity pledges/vows should be determined by the individual who is making the vow/promise. It should meet and reflect the individual’s motivation and desire. After all, a decision to stay pure until marriage is essentially made by an individual and no one else.

Pledge your purity before marriage online.

Pledge your purity on our Facebook wall, and print a free purity certificate.