Advice For New Christians

Deciding to become a Christian is a wonderful and scary choice. You have discovered truth, but Satan is now even more determined to lead you astray. We asked our social media followers what advice they would give to a new Christian. Their answers and our own thoughts make up this list.

1. Spend Time With God

Becoming a Christian isn’t a one time act. By continuing to pray and read the Bible daily, you will form a relationship with God that will last for the rest of time. Making the choice to be purified from sin…[and] dedicated to God (1 Corinthians 6:11 GNT) is wonderful, but it is a choice that must be made every day. Find a time each day to commit to studying in the Bible and praying to God in gratitude and your life will surely continue improving!

2. Don’t Stress if You Don’t Feel the Holy Spirit Daily

For most people, conversion to Christianity is a process instead of a single sacred moment. Remember that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not see (Hebrews 11:1 ASV). Although you only feel the Holy Spirit, this verse is a great reminder that confirmation doesn’t always come when you desire it to. Remember that if you have accepted Christ and continue living well, He will always be working on you. This is true whether or not you feel the Spirit at every moment of the day.

3. Seek Out Other Christians

If you have come to Christ outside of a church setting, find a congregation or group that can be your support. If you have come to Christ within a church setting, reach out to others around you. Now you are the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27) and as such you have been commanded to live as he did. Show love and kindness to others. Your faith might help those around you more than you presently realize.

And a bonus tip:

HAVE JOY! God created us to be happy. Rejoice in Him and seek His light.
