We don't know about you, but we love the aesthetic, natural, and symmetric look of earrings. Earrings often go perfectly without any other matching jewelry, or can easily complement necklaces and rings. What's fun about earrings though, is that they can be used for more than just jewelry. Plus, if you ever lose an earring and are left with one other lonely earring, now you can still use it for something beautiful and crafty!
1. Paperweights
If you are using paper outdoors where the wind might blow it away, you may find that you need a paperweight. Just poke some earrings through the top corners, or top and bottom of the paper, and there you have it! Your paper will be weighed down, and have some nice decor. The beauty of this trick is that you can use your earrings in an emergency. If you need a paperweight, but don't have one, just use the earrings you wore for the day.
2. Thumbtacks
This is a really cute idea. If you've ever received earrings that are too big or too small for your preference, or perhaps your taste in earrings changed, you can use them to hang up items on a bulletin board. College students can decorate their rooms, and even homemakers can use earrings to add a little color and splash of design to any pinned up decor.
3. Make it a Brooch
Use your earrings to add a little sparkle to your scarves or other clothing. This can include a jacket and blouse too. Earrings can really be pinned onto anything you're wearing.
4. Pin it to a Craft for Some Sparkle

If you love crafts, then this tip is for you. Pin your earrings on journals, decorate a board with only earrings or other sparkly tacks, post earrings on decorative wreaths, add them to a floral crown for your head (like above), and even poke earrings into flower bouquets to add some shimmer.
Really, you can use earrings for almost anything. If you're looking for another pair of earrings to decorate with, or even just to add to your next outfit, check out christianjewelry.com/christian-earrings.